On TAPoR: http://tapor.ca/tools/1447
Omeka.net provides a web-publishing platform to curate collections and create exhibitions of digitized content. Omeka.net has grown out of the Omeka project. Omeka.net provides some of the same functionality as Omeka, but does not require the user to provide hosting or to maintain their installation in any way. However, use of Omeka.net limits customization, and hosting more than 500MB of content requires a paid account.
Objects in the collection can be cataloged with Dublin core metadata fields and georeferenced for display on a map. Omeka.net includes several plugins, including COinS (which makes objects in Omeka accessible to citations management software, like Zotero), HTML5 Media (to play audio and video), and Library of Congress Suggest (which will auto-populate fields with LoC authority and subject headings).
Users on CUNY Academic Commons
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