

Currently a third-year English Literature PhD student at the GC. Interests include 20th C. British/American lit., American Studies, African-American lit., comparative morphology, distant reading, post-45 politics & culture, scifi, culture studies, and critical theory. I teach Composition and Multi-Ethnic American Literature at Hunter College.


PhD. Department of English, City University of New York, Graduate Center (2014―present)
MA, Department of English, San Francisco State University. (2013)
BA, Department of English, University of California, Berkeley. (2008)


“The Touch of Greenblatt: The Problematic Rhetorical Strategy of New Historicism.” Interpretations, Volume 23, Spring 2011.

“An Image of Darkness: Deconstructing Race in Conrad and Achebe”
Interpretations, Volume 25, Spring 2013.

Academic Conference Papers:

“Socialization Under Interrogation: Narrative Strategies in Ellison’s Counter-Bildungsroman”
College English Association 45th Annual Conference — Horizons. March 27-29, 2014.

“An Image of Darkness: Deconstructing Race in Conrad and Achebe”
College English Association 44th Annual Conference — Nature. April 4-7, 2013.
Savannah, GA.

“Through Invisible Man, Darkly: Destabilizing the Discourse of Self/Other”
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association 111th Annual Conference. November 1-3, 2013. San Diego, CA.


Writing Tutor, English, *Non-CUNY
Adjunct Instructor, English, Hunter College