“The Touch of Greenblatt: The Problematic Rhetorical Strategy of New Historicism.” Interpretations, Volume 23, Spring 2011.
“An Image of Darkness: Deconstructing Race in Conrad and Achebe”
Interpretations, Volume 25, Spring 2013.
Academic Conference Papers:
“Socialization Under Interrogation: Narrative Strategies in Ellison’s Counter-Bildungsroman”
College English Association 45th Annual Conference — Horizons. March 27-29, 2014.
“An Image of Darkness: Deconstructing Race in Conrad and Achebe”
College English Association 44th Annual Conference — Nature. April 4-7, 2013.
Savannah, GA.
“Through Invisible Man, Darkly: Destabilizing the Discourse of Self/Other”
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association 111th Annual Conference. November 1-3, 2013. San Diego, CA.