Counting and Cracking, presented at the Edinburgh International Festival this summer, is a realistic, heartfelt, multigenerational, multinational family saga delivered in four languages, with 19 […]
Books ReceivedIf you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Maya Roth at [email protected]. If you know of a […]
In the early 1990s, Constantin Chiriac, the President of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, had a dream: to develop the cultural background of the city, in general, and theatre and […]
For 14 days, between September 5 and 18, a small city in Romania became the stage for a series of events: new theatre performances from all over the country and from the neighbouring […]
In Romania we have a word that is supposed to be untranslatable; its meaning has a correspondent in the Portuguese saudade and covers the feelings implied by the English longing, the French […]
Nearly three and a half decades ago, Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios/Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) broke box-office records in Spain and marked filmmaker Pedro […]
What does “renowned” mean anymore? Nowadays, when history seems to be as relative as anything, when aesthetics and culture are exchanged with an emphasis on social and political matters, what […]
“Exhaurides les localitats” (Sold out) became a ubiquitous sign across most venues for performances from this year’s Barcelona Grec Festival. The 46th edition of the annual festival was highly […]
In Poland, 13 December is commonly associated with the implementation of martial law, announced in 1981 by General Wojciech Jaruzelski, which introduced repressive restrictions valid until […]