I like a lot here! “Disastrous driveway” is a really great turn of phrase, and I love the contrasts here: “someone was keeping watch over my home and I was an intruder”; “warm”/”coldness”; and more.
I really like this! I see echoes of the piece that you wrote during the free write in class, if I remember correctly. The repetition really works well!
I’m wondering what the ending would look like if it […]
Post your ghost stories here in the comments. As you post, respond to at least one other student’s story, noting something you liked, something you were surprised by, and something you had questions […]
Write a short response below highlighting something from one of the poems we’ll look at—we’ll use this as a jumping off point to discuss more in class!
Once you’ve finished reading “For Colored Girls,” I want you to pick one specific quote from the choreopoem to write into and about. Write a paragraph about the quote or a specific element from the […]
I’m so excited to meet all of you. This website will serve as the class hub; here our class assignments, forums, schedule, syllabus, and discussion are all posted. We’ll go over this next Wednesday, the first day […]