Assignment 10 – Part 1 Choosing a theme for my website was probably the hardest part of the process. The variety of themes WordPress had to offer kept me going […]
Assignment 9 – Registration Before making our websites with our domain names we first needed to make an account on reclaim hosting Once the account is made […]
Assignment 8 – Domain Names It was pretty hard thinking of what type of domain name I wanted. Do I go with my name? my full name? or just something short and simple? I […]
Assignment 7 – Reflection Post How am I doing in CT101? Overall I would say I am doing well in the course, I do have a few missing assignments but I hope to get them […]
Assignment 4 I would say that I’m pretty passionate about anime, cartoons and things like that. Growing up I was always a fan of One Piece, an anime […]
I would consider memes to be a form of art in which people can express themselves however they may feel. When searching on the internet whether a meme can be seen as a piece of art I came […]
On the first day of class, I was kind of nervous and also excited at the same time. I felt nervous about meeting new people and introducing myself, but I […]
This week what is making me happy is the new game Hogwarts Legacy. It was officially released on the 10th but since I preordered it I got to play it 3 days early. I spent a good majority of my weekend doing […]
Hi my name is Zecharius, I am a junior and my major is CS. I like to play video games and watch anime as well as listen to music. I’m looking forward to this semester 🙂