Blog post 2: In this post we got to develop our thinking about Feminism more. The belief in political, social, and economic equality of the sexes. I have developed my thinking through the beginnning of this […]
This is really interesting plot of the book and much connected to my book “LOVE”. There is some kind of love story. Also, the idea of black upward mobility as you mentioned in white society was a part also in the […]
I have read the book “LOVE” by Toni Morrison published in 2003. In the book, the main character Bill Cosey was the successful millionaire owner of Cosey’s Hotel and Resort, a high-end vacation spot for w […]
I like your research information about the author and book but you could improve the presentation format so that your audience or reader could understand easily and get attracted on it’s first sight.
Responding […]
I agree with your points Kameron and I would say that culture war has significant connection with feminism, practice of fighting for the rights of all women and girls.
The image you chose is amazing which simply […]
I agree with your points about what ‘Disidentify’ actually mean. In addition to that it’s also refer to become aware of the thoughts you had and try to condition yourself to use the negative ones the right way.
This is definitely a good choice of definition you use where the discussion of the people color and relation with being victims of it are really significant.
This is really a great presentation including the format, being specific about the author and the book. I like how you took out some important quotes from the book and discuss its meaning and significance. Really […]
Really great understanding of the book and author’s biography. The audio also helps to collaborate well with your presentation slides. To be honest I haven’t read this book properly and don’t know many thoughts […]
You cited quotes from certain parts of the book and keep through showing the order of the book with the what each part meaning. I like your connection with gender trouble, feminism you made. Responding to your […]
I argue for how women misconduct by men in certain places especially in workplace. I am researching on how they could be free from sexual harassment, making platform for people of sexual abuse and harassment to […]
Materialist feminism, gender is seen as a social construct, and society forces gender roles, such as bearing children, onto women. Materialist feminism’s ideal vision is a society in which women are […]
“It is important for me to concede, however, that the performance of gender subversion can indicate nothing about sexuality or sexual practice. Gender can be rendered ambiguous without disturbing or […]
Yes, I agree that culture war is the conflict between how fair-minded rules is being show up in every aspects values, social groups etc. Also, the point you said that ‘women are not forced to’ which match with […]
I agree with what you said as similar to me that culture war is fighting for having similar rights and how the connection between feminism and culture war goes along with it.
According to Faludi and Heywood I got their common understanding that culture war is the social clash between social gatherings and the battle for predominance of their qualities, convictions, and […]
This is below my presentation about the book Vibrant Matter by Jane Bennett. As you will read through the presentation you can find many details about this great philosopher and her […]