He / Him / His
Open educator, digital humanities researcher, resident tinkerer @ CUNY Grad Center
Social Media
PhD Candidate in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY, expected 2027.
M. Phil in English, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2023.
Certificate in Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2022.
BA in English and Philosophy, SUNY College at Geneseo, 2017.
New literacies studies; digital humanities methods; new media studies and ethnography of everyday digital writing; creative coding, e-literature, and poetic computation
TLC Fellow, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), CUNY Graduate Center, 2024-2025
Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science, Grove School of Engineering, City College of New York (CCNY), Fall 2024
Presidential Research Fellow, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), CUNY Graduate Center, 2023-2024
Grant-Funded Research Assistant (PI: Daniel Libertz), “Public Quantitative Writing: A Discourse-Based Interview Study,” Baruch College
Instructional Support Assistant, The Office of the Provost, SUNY College at Geneseo, NY.
Muhlbauer, Zachary, Stefano Morello, Travis M. Bartley, Nicole Cote and Matthew K. Gold. 2023. “Archival Inversions: Rethinking Knowledge Infrastructures through the CUNY Distance Learning Archive,” in “DH Unbound 2022, Selected Papers,” ed. Barbara Bordalejo, Roopika Risam, and Emmanuel ChâteauDutier, special issue, Digital Studies/Le champ numérique 13(3): 1–22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16995/dscn.9673.
Muhlbauer, Zachary. “Using Hypothesis for Social Annotation and Collaborative Learning.” Pedagogy and Praxis, Baruch College, NY. January 2021.
Scrolling for Godot | GitHub Pages, January 2025, https://zmuhls.github.io/scrolling-for-godot/.
Babylon Redux: Workshop of Potential Webtexts | GitHub Pages, 2024-2025, https://zmuhls.github.io/babylon-redux/.
Teach@CUNY AI Toolkit | Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), CUNY Graduate Center, 2023, https://aitoolkit.commons.gc.cuny.edu.
CUNY Distance Learning Archive | Deposited in CUNY Digital History Archive; with Stefano Morello (Project Manager), Matthew K. Gold (Faculty Advisor), Travis Bartley, and Nicole Cote; CUNY Graduate Center, 2022, https://cdla.commons.gc.cuny.edu/.
Discord Educational Toolkit: Instructional Design for Class Servers | Capstone project in fulfillment of the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, CUNY Graduate Center, 2021, https://discordedu.commons.gc.cuny.edu.
“(Re)Reading Reddit Discourse at Scale: 21st-Century Approaches to Literacy Practices and Sponsorship,” Mise En Place, Writing Innovation Symposium 2025, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, January 30-31.
“Babylon Redux: The Oulipo Group and Prompt Engineering for Uncreative Writing,” MLA 2025, Prompt Engineering as Rhetoric, Literary Criticism, and Creative Writing, January 2025, https://zmuhls.github.io/babylon-redux.
“The Promise and Perils of Generative AI: Figuring Out When, How and Why to Use It at CUNY.” CUNY IT Conference 2023, City University of New York, December 2023.
“Archival Inversions: Rethinking Knowledge Infrastructures through the CUNY Distance Learning Archive.” DH Unbound 2022, Association for Computers and the Humanities and Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Virtual, May 2022.
“Archiving the Present.” Transitions and Transactions: Teaching Literature in the Time of COVID, Keynote Presentation, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, NYC, Apr 2022.
“Just Teaching: Striving for Equitable Pedagogical Policy and Praxis.” 2022 Southern Regional Composition Conference: Keynote Panel, The University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Virtual, Mar 2022.
“Discord Educational Toolkit: Community Design for Digital Learning Spaces.” CUNY Digital Initiative Lightning Talks, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Virtual, Nov 2021.
“CUNY Digital History Archive (CDHA) & the CUNY Distance Learning Collections.” DH Projects Discussion, Infrastructural Interventions, Remote, June 2021.
“CUNY Distance Learning Archive.” CUNY Digital Initiative Lightning Talks, The Graduate Center, CUNY. Virtual, Nov 2021.
“Social Reading and Web Annotation with Hypothesis.” CUNY Writing Disciplinary Council: Teaching Reading Online Webinar Series, Remote. January 2021.
“In Process: Attaining Iterative Growth in Large-Scale OER Writing Instruction.” Open Education Conference. Phoenix, AZ. October 2019.
“Getting it Together: Encouraging Faculty Support Across a General Education Course.” Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY. October 2018.
“Unconventional: Adopting OER for a Public Liberal Arts Core Writing Course.” Open Education Conference. Niagara Falls, NY. October 2018.
Co-Lead, Leveraging Generative AI to Design Your Unique Major, Baccalaureate for Unique and Interdisciplinary Studies, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Spring 2025.
Lead, AI Literacy and Game-Based Learning, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Fall 2024.
Co-Lead, Abolition Pedagogy and Educational Technology, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Summer 2024.
Co-Lead, AI Literacy and Disciplinary Thinking, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Spring 2024.
Co-Lead, Fostering Community with Routine and Ritual, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Winter 2024.
Co-Lead, Using Generative AI for (Un)Creative Writing, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Fall 2023.
Co-Lead, Course Reconfiguration: Responding to Student Needs, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Fall 2023.
Lead, Teaching with Discord, tCUNY Summer Institute, Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Summer 2023.
Lead, Managing Your Digital Footprint, OpenCUNY.org, The Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (DGSC), The Graduate Center, CUNY, Spring 2023 and Fall 2023.
Lead, Introduction to GitHub & Git, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Spring 2022-2023.
Lead, HTML & CSS Basics. Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, Fall 2020-2022.
Co-Lead, Teaching with Discord or Slack, Teach@CUNY Summer Institute, Teaching and Learning Center, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, Summer 2021.
Lead, Six-Part Series), Workshopping Wikipedia, First-Year Experience Program, Queens College, CUNY, NY, 2020-2021.
Lead, Introduction to Python, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, The Graduate Center, CUNY, NY, Spring 2021.
Community Facilitator, CUNY Academic Commons, CUNY Graduate Center, 2023-Present.
Editorial Collective, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, CUNY Graduate Center, 2021-Present.
Committee Member, Website and Editorial, English Student Association (ESA), CUNY Graduate Center, 2019-2022.