Turning Books Into Data: Creating a Historical Database of 20th Century Women Scientists in the U.S.
Turning Books Into Data:
Creating a Historical Database of 20th Century Women Scientists in the U.S. -
Reflection and description about a podcast dedicated to discussions about being Black, Brown, and queer in academia & in life 🙂
PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE AT THE MURPHY INSTITUTE: WORKER ED BLOGGING Introduction At the risk of sounding grandiose, my inspiration for this project is my belief that there is an urgent need to extend big picture critical analysis and political engagement to working class people of the larger social, political and economic situation they face as individual […]
“Freeishwrite Online” is an online application for low-stakes writing assignments. Writing can be user-directed or guided by a prompts. Writers type their low-stakes writing into a page on their account, and the instructor sees specific analytics based on the page instead of the whole response. The application reorients the assignments to make more fun and low-stakes. […]
Myrna Lillian Fuentes April 16, 2016 Archival Website There is a group of seven indigenous nations that have come to dwell in a city called Puyo in Ecuador. They travel from the inner sections of the Amazon and settle in Puyo. Each nation has their own language and culture, but they all cohabitate in this […]
Reading Mediations: Modeling Critical Online Literacy Strategies in Scalar Introduction Online news consumers have been navigating the shifting terrain of opinion, fact, rumor, and satire for years. In the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, and its aftermath, the potential dangers inherent in a 24-hour cycle of online news production, distribution, and consumption were brought […]
An Exhibition without walls – ITP Project