Tenure is not a suitable solution for bettering college education because it limits the modernization and quality of education that students receive and it fails to show that tenured professors teach more than […]
The border crisis between India and Pakistan in the Kashmir region is not only a battle between troops, but also a battle for the lives of civilians as well. Not many are aware of this is issue. Therefore, we have to expose this problem because the lives of innocent people are at stake everyday. Even though coming to an agreement with both co…[Read more]
This article defines gentrification as neighborhoods that once had low average household incomes and within the last recent years they have started to become high-income neighborhoods as rent has increased. […]
Researchers say that in the past five years opioid drug addictions among Veterans have increased by 55 percent (Childress, 2016, p. 5). There are factors that are influencing this number to grow. As Lawrence has […]
The opioid epidemic in the United States has worsened as treatment and drug rehabilitation centers have become difficult to have access to. Treatment and rehab services can be expensive, therefore not everyone, […]
In his essay Why I Write the author, George Orwell, opens up about his conscious nature of being a writer and not only talks about his evolution as a writer, but also tells readers the reasons why a writer […]
Empathy and writing are related because both revolve around coming to an understanding. When we think about empathy or apply it to a situation, we have to understand the issue first before we go any further. O […]