Forrestal, Valerie. (2013). “Zen and the Art of the Conference Proposal”, Letters to a Young Librarian. November 21, 2013. (
Forrestal, Valerie (2013). “The In Crowd, or Fear and Loathing in Library Land”, The Journal of Creative Library Practice (ISSN 2330-4227). September 18, 2013. (
Arnett, Barbara, and Valerie Forrestal (2012). “Bridging the Gap from Wikipedia to Scholarly Sources: a Simple Discovery Tool”, College & Undergraduate Libraries, (ISSN 1069-1316). 19 (2-4), 176-188. (*
Forrestal, Valerie. (2012). “Hit the Ground Running: Some (Simple) Advice for Job-Hunters”, Letters to a Young Librarian. June 21, 2012. (
Forrestal, Valerie. (2011). “Making Twitter Work: A Guide for the Uninitiated, the Skeptical, and the Pragmatic “, The Reference Librarian, (ISSN 0276-3877). 52 (1-2), 146-151. (*
*Peer-reviewed Article