Ullash kundu Joy
Professor Lisa Rogal
English 1100
Throughout this course, I have learned such so many necessary things that are helping develop my writing skill. Whole in this semester, we are working in this course about the rhetorical situation, citation, finding scholarly sources, and improving writing skills. Also, I have learned about some great academic paper writing format, how the author needs to handle those when it writes.
In this course first, we had read in Brent staple’s essay. Throughout this essay, we have to find out the situation that I was also facing in my life and write a journal about it. Also, we looked at the rhetorical situation. After this reading, we had also read the Carr’s essay. In this essay, we have noticed how he introduces the author in his essay to make his argument reliable. Also, we have described one quote in Car’s essay writer as a journal. Throughout two of these readings, I have learned the importance of the rhetorical situation in writing. I am also keep following the same footsteps in my mind about this when I am writing. Below I added in my journal for my reader understanding. First, in the narrative essay, we are just describing our personal story that creates a place in mind. Throughout this paper, we have learned how to describe any story and made it interested in the reader.
This class also discussed like mapping, drafting, brainstorming, such kind of things that help us create engaged with our topic. I follow the brainstorming and mapping or pointing. I have done two of those before starting any paper writing. Those two steps are helping me to make an involved with my topic.
My second essay was “An Exploratory” for this course. In this task, we created a question at the beginning of the essay and we have to explore this question throughout this paper. In this paper, the most important is the question and how we explore the answer. It’s a critical task for the author to addressed the question correctly so that readers can understand the concept of the ask. During this essay, I have learned how to explore any question. For this reason, in my exploratory essay, I have used the topic as “Marijuana use and legalization marijuana in the USA.” This topic clearly says about this paper as describing marijuana use and its legalization in the country. Also in this paper, we are doing citations and using sources for making our argument reliable. In Exploratory essay, I have also learned about citation. Citation source is essential for any paper since we need to give credit to ideas that are not ours. We have practiced these precedent through our exploratory essay and research paper. We were taught to provide citations as reference if any quotation/ideas were taken from other sources. Also, Professor Rogal gives us many guiding sources for citing sources appropriately in our paper and work cited page.
Another learning outcome is to develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of the writing process. In this class, the most important learning outcomes are peer-review. We did this in our three essays. Throughout this work, these comments are tremendously helping me to fix my essay body properly. I had trouble with my exploratory essay. When I get my peer-review comments, then I can quickly solve those problems. Also, Professor Rogal allows us to submit all of those papers as a first draft before submitting the final draft. She added her comments in our first draft; those comments are helping me to make my essay correctly.
Another learning outcome is found sources in using library database and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, and bios. For our better understanding, Professor Rogal arrange our class in the library’s student training center. That’s how we were taught how to use the CCNY database. This class helps a lot to find similar subject as reference.
After this writing, we had written an annotated bibliography essay. In this paper, we described the citation that are we used in our previous essay. Also cited those source in proper MLA format. We also mention the source that we are planning to use in our research paper.
After this paper, we had done our critical analysis research paper. In this paper, we also create a question or statement beginning in the paper as an exploratory essay. However, throughout this paper, we have to add supporting data and doing some critical analysis that makes argument durable. Also, we have to mention the point as a writer why we agree or disagree about this argument.
The last learning outcome throughout this subject is finding a proper quote or proper drafting. In an Exploratory essay and critical research paper throughout two of those papers, we have to create our argument at the beginning of the article and prove that argument through our writing. For this reason, we have to decide proper quotes or sources; this is related to our discussion and adequately use those sources in our paper. I completed this learning outcome because I wrote my exploratory essay and research paper. Throughout two of these papers, I was using sources and quote, added those in the proper place in my writing. These precedent helped me to make my paper stronger.
I would like to conclude my self-assessment with Thanking Professor Rogal. I’ve learned the techniques and writing skills which will be supportive for my next academic carrier. Throughout this successful semester, I’m confident, I’ll be able to write constructive papers in future.
Ullash kundu joy.
Lisa Rogal.
Marijuana use and the legalization of marijuana in USA
According to Wikipedia, “cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used for medical or recreational purposes.” A psychoactive drug is a chemical substance that changes brain function. This substance may be used medically; recreationally, purposes. The primary marijuana component is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Usually, marijuana can be used as smoking, vaporizing, or within the food. However, most users smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joint. Also, some of the people are using these drugs put on the cigarettes filter and mixing with tobacco. The amount of THC is measured potency of marijuana. Marijuana is an illegal drug that is commonly used in the United States of America as well as the other countries. This substance prize is comparatively affordable and varies. Some people are selling this drug on the street. “In 2015, 8.3% of the US population aged 12 years and older used marijuana in the past month; 16.4% of adolescents aged 12-17 years used in a lifetime and 7.0% used in the past month.” This survey showing the result of 12-17 years old, people are consuming a high rate of marijuana. Those ages of people are a teenager. Most of them are high school students, and they are buying these drugs from the street dealer very quickly. Marijuana has some good and bad effects. When it used as medical purposes, then it is beginning an excellent effect on health. If it is used for recreational purposes, then it causes some harmful effects on the human body, such as short time memory loss, increasing heartbeat, and a problem with balance and also learning and memory capability. The worst thing is if a person smokes marijuana in a long time, they lose their memory day by day.
Marijuana also uses for some medical treatment such as ” HIV/Aids, inflammation, pain , seizures, substance use disorder, and mental disorder”. For these purposes, some states are legalized marijuana as medical marijuana is never allowed to use the marijuana plant directly. Pill or inhaler from commonly uses as medical marijuana. “However, scientific studies of the chemicals have led to two FDA- approved medication that contains cannabinoid chemicals in pill form”. THC or CBD is commonly using for medical treatment. THC or CBD are generally found in marijuana plants. CBD is generally less reliable for THC. THC increases appetite and reduces nausea. It also decreases pain, inflammation, and muscle control problems.
On the other hand, CBD is also cannabinoid that does not make people high. It also uses for pain, muscle control problems. The FDA(Food and drug administration) was first started in 1906. Early they are invented marijuana is a substance that needed for patent medicines and other purposes. In 1914 marijuana reminded a legal drug but obscure drug in the United States. Marijuana was commonly used in Mexico. After the Mexican revolution (1910-1920), some Mexican immigrants became widespread marijuana in the USA. In that time, some low-status immigrants, black and lower classes, white people are smoking marijuana. Marijuana was first declared outlawed as selling, buying, or cultivation in the USA in 1970. People are trying to decriminalize marijuana in 1970.
However, in 2012 marijuana was first legalized in two states that is Washington and Colorado. After this legalization in 2014-2016, many states are also legalized for medical marijuana, and 2018 in Vermont was the first legalized for the State legislature. Accept Vermont and district Columbia, another legalized State is allowed for commercial distribute, and all allow for personal cultivation except Washington state. Marijuana is still considered an illegal substance on the federal level. Now in the United States Of America in 33 States have legalized medical marijuana, and 11 states legalize as recreational purposes. This legalization is creating a problem between the State and Federal law. Somewhere the State has legalized marijuana, but in federal law, marijuana as an illegal drug. Government and senators support the legalization of marijuana as a big profitable tax business. Before legalized, people are buying this drug from a street drug dealer. After the legalization for medical purposes among those people who have several diseases, they are buying this drug from a dispensary.
On the other hand, some States are legalized marijuana as a recreational drugs, so in those areas, people are also buying this substance from a dispensary. Some medical purposes legalization States dispensaries are never checking the marijuana card when they are selling it. For this reason, some States young people are buying marijuana quickly from the dispensaries. When it legalized in any state as medical purposes, people are not scared about this substance law. Some people in business took this advantage, and they selling this drug varies from such as chocolate, gum, etc. Somewhere in Manhattan, they are selling this substance in the open road as a varies form. They are also open a store in Manhattan, and they are selling drugs for medical purposes, but they selling it in every person who is over 18. For that reason, young people are getting this substance very quickly and they are abuse this drug.
Marijuana is legalized for medical purposes in many states in America. However, somewhere in some dispensaries are never following the rule, and they are selling it without card members (real intent). For that reason, young people are quickly getting this drug, and they are abuse this substance. In conclusion, many patients are beneficiary by this drug, and I support this legalization as medical marijuana. However, the government has to be more careful about medical marijuana business policy, and it has to ensure that it can only use as a medical purpose, not recreational purposes.
Work cited page
1.”Information for ‘Cannabis (Drug)”.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, php? title=Cannabis_(drug)&action=info.
2. SAMHSA. Results from the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables. 2016 [cited 2018 Jan 31]. Available from: https://www. 015/NSDUH-DetTabs-2015.htm
3. NIDA. “Marijuana as Medicine.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5 Jul. 2019, Accessed 16 Mar. 2020.
Ullash Kundu Joy
Professor Lisa Rogal
Engl 11000
29 April 2020
Should Marijuana Legalized In USA.
When kids are growing up, every parent gives them advice “Drugs are bad for you”. However, kids are not recognized what the reason behind it. Nevertheless, when kids grow up day by day, they are known that drugs are harmful to body and life. Drugs are illegal in every country, and every country has a law about drugs. However, in many countries, alcohol and tobacco are legal, but marijuana as an illegal drug. However, alcohol and tobacco are more harmful than marijuana. The author Head Tom, stated in the article “8 reasons why marijuana should be legalized” that “The case for tobacco prohibition is actually much stronger than the case for marijuana prohibition since tobacco has provably harmful effects and no benefits”. This quote means that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. If alcohol and tobacco are legal, why not marijuana. As a time in some countries and in the USA, some states treat marijuana as a legal drug. The main reason behind its marijuana uses some medical treatment purposes. In this paper, I am talking about in among the USA why marijuana should be legalized in the US. It not only helps in medical purposes it also helps countries economy and crime.
According to Wikipedia, “cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant used for medical or recreational purposes” (“Information for “Cannabis (Drug)”). A psychoactive drug is a chemical substance that changes brain function. This substance may be used medically; recreationally, purposes. The primary marijuana component is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Usually, marijuana can be used as smoking, vaporizing, or within the food. However, most users smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joint. Also, some of the people are using these drugs put on the cigarettes filter and mixing with tobacco. The amount of THC is measured potency of marijuana.
Marijuana is an illegal drug that is commonly used in the United States of America as well as the other countries. As a now, in the USA, almost half of the states are legalizing using marijuana as medical or recreational purposes. Some people in society believe that marijuana users are harmful to society, and they create violence in society. Wikipedia says Wille Nelson is an American musician, actor, and activist. the author Willie Nelson stated that “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?”. Also, there is no study showing that after legalization, marijuana can cause any violence among those states. On, commentator R Marko. stated in the article “5 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized” that “ever since in Colorado legalized recreational cannabis, both the state’s violent crime and property crime rates have decreased”. He also stated that “there have been numerous studies that show that in the list of the most toxic recreational drugs, cannabis is actually at the bottom”. If alcohol or tobacco are legalizing, why not marijuana. On the other hand, marijuana is more beneficial than tobacco and alcohol.
According to Wikipedia, in 1914 marijuana reminded a legal drug but obscure drug in the United States. Marijuana was commonly used in Mexico. After the Mexican revolution (1910-1920), some Mexican immigrants became widespread marijuana in the USA. In that time, some low-status immigrants, black and lower classes, white people are smoking marijuana. Marijuana was first declared outlawed as selling, buying, or cultivation in the USA in 1970. People are trying to decriminalize marijuana in 1970. However, in 2012 marijuana was first legalized in two states that is Washington and Colorado. After this legalization in 2014-2016, many states are also legalized for medical marijuana, and 2018 in Vermont was the first legalized for the State legislature. Accept Vermont and district Columbia, another legalized State is allowed for commercial distribute, and all allow for personal cultivation except Washington state. Marijuana is still considered an illegal substance on the federal level. Now in the United States of America in 33 States have legalized recreational purposes. This legalization is creating a problem between the State and Federal law. Somewhere the State has legalized marijuana, but in federal law, marijuana as an illegal drug. Government and senators support the legalization of marijuana as a big profitable tax business. Before legalized, people are buying this drug from a street drug dealer. After the legalization for medical purposes among those people who have several diseases, they are buying this drug from a dispensary.
Marijuana has some good and bad effects. When it used as medical purposes, then it is beginning an excellent effect on health. If it is used for recreational purposes, then it causes some harmful effects on the human body, such as short time memory loss, increasing heartbeat, and a problem with balance and learning and memory capability. The worst thing is if a person smokes marijuana in a long time, they lose their memory day by day.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Marijuana also uses for some medical treatment such as HIV/Aids, inflammation, pain, seizures, substance use disorder, and mental disorder (“Marijuana as Medicine”). For these purposes, some states are legalized marijuana as medical marijuana is never allowed to use the marijuana plant directly. Pill or inhaler from commonly uses as medical marijuana. “However, scientific studies of the chemicals have led to two FDA- approved medication that contains cannabinoid chemicals in pill form” (NIDA, “Marijuana as Medicine”). THC or CBD is commonly using for medical treatment. THC or CBD are generally found in marijuana plants. CBD is generally less reliable for THC. THC increases appetite and reduces nausea. It also decreases pain, inflammation, and muscle control problems.
Marijuana is the most illicit drug in the USA, as well as every country. Marijuana is the most profitable business in the world. Roger Roffman, a professor of Social work at the University of Washington in July 2013, stated that “approximately 3.6 million Americans are daily or near daily users”. This information clearly shows how marijuana use in the USA. Before the legalization of marijuana in the USA, those peoples are buying pot from street dealers. The author Moffatt Mike stated that “Easton’s study estimated that the average price of 0.5 grams (a unit) of marijuana sold for $8.60 on the black market, while its cost of production was only $1.70”. This rate is easy to understand that how profitable business it is. If it legal in all over the USA, the country got lot of tax revenue among this business. Some states are in the USA already legalize marijuana as medical or recreational purposes. Those states are getting more benefits from cannabis. They get a lot of tax revenue among this business. The author Misulonas Joseph, stated that “The easiest number to show how marijuana legalization has improved America is with taxes. Colorado has generated over $500 million worth of revenue thanks to cannabis taxes since implementing legalization in 2014. Washington made over $250 million in 2016 alone”.
Also, author Blake Dwight K, stated that “101.55 million USD was the sales revenue of recreational marijuana of Colorado on August 2017……125.65 million USD is the sales revenue in Washington in June 2017…. 2500 million USD in the sales revenue of legal marijuana in 2018”. Those data show those states are getting an incredible tax benefit in the marijuana business. Marijuana legalization is the most profitable tax business for the country.
The legalization of marijuana also helps in the American job sector. After legalization, Cannabis industries are creating a new job sector in the USA. “Besides taxes, jobs are another area where the marijuana industry has helped Americans. While exact numbers are not 100 percent known, it is estimated that between 165,000 and 230,000 people are employed in the cannabis industry in the United States right now”(Misulonas Joseph).
The legalization of marijuana may also decrease the crime rate. And help teenagers to build their career. “29.7%of American Indian 9-12 grades admitted they have used marijuana within a month in 2017… 7.3% of Asian 9-12 grades admitted they used marijuana within a month in 2017….” (Blake Dwight K). How teenager’s society in America is involved in marijuana use. Also, the author stated, “From 1995 to 2001, 88.5 percent of 12th graders say getting marijuana is very easy” (Dwight k Blake). Before legalization, those teenagers are getting marijuana from street dealers. And those dealers are selling marijuana every person, and they do not care about the buyer is teenagers or adults. Prohibition is not helping in any way in America. Before the legalization of marijuana, people and teenagers have a curiosity about this drug; also, this drug is prevalent in society. After legalization, people and teenagers are getting the chance to know about marijuana. Also, people have a curiosity about something when it’s illegal.” Prohibition may be countered through honest and reasonable approaches to marijuana, including proper education of the substance for both adults and the youth” (Marko R). When marijuana is an illegal drug people highly arrested in a marijuana case. Those arrested people are losing their job and facing problems in the family also. But after legalization, these arrested rates are decreasing day by day. “while data from more recent years is not available, arrests cut in half in Colorado from 2012 to 2014 thanks to legalization, and they dropped 98 percent in the year after Washington legalized marijuana. The decreased arrests also mean police departments are saving money to focus on more important areas” (Misulonas Joseph).
In conclusion, the legalization of marijuana to carry good and evil every effect for the country. But if we compare two of these, the good results are very highly rated than harmful effects. The lousiest impact is it very dangerous for teenagers. But if we analyze the data, it very clearly showing before legalization how American teenagers involve in marijuana use. Its legalization is creating an opportunity to knows about marijuana between youth and adults also. Countries are getting help in different ways after the legalization of marijuana.
Works Cited
Head, Tom. “8 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized.” ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2020, Accessed 27 April 2020
Information for ‘Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, php? title=Cannabis_(drug)&action=info Cannabis (Drug)”.”.
NIDA. “Marijuana as Medicine.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 5 Jul. 2019, Accessed 16 Mar. 2020.
Roger Roffman, Wayne Hall, Mark A.R. Kleiman, Peter Reuter, Norm stamper (July 19,2009). If Marijuana is legal, Will Addiction Rise? The New York Times. The New York Times Company. July 27, 2009
Marko R. “5 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized.”,, 6 Apr. 2018, Accessed on 26 April 2020
Moffatt, Mike. “Should Governments Legalize and Tax Marijuana?” ThoughtCo, Feb. 11, 2020, Accessed on 26 April 2020
Misulonas, Joseph. “10 Ways Marijuana Legalization Has Helped the United States.” Civilized, Accessed on 26 April 2020
Blake, Dwight K, “Marijuana Statistics 2019, Usage, Trends and Data.”- American Marijuana, 30 Jan. 2020, Accessed on 26 April 2020