I enjoyed reading your final blog post! I also love the way your website came out! Hopefully you keep adding to it because it looks like it has the potential to be something unique!
Final Assignment Blog Post We’ve unfortunately reached the end of CT101 and it’s a shame that this semester went by so fast! This class was such a fun time and […]
Assignment #10 The main thing that I wanted to do with my website to get myself started was change the colors to make it look like the logo that I have […]
Assignment #7- Picking a Domain Name To think that I’m going to be making a website is rather insane! It’s something that I always thought I needed to have all of this […]
Assignment #6- The Mid-Semester Reflection I think I am doing fairly decent in this class. I know that I could be doing better in it no question but I personally feel that I am doing […]
I really liked your post Terrell! Music is something that I myself am very fond of. However, I’ve never looked at it the way you described it in your post. I had never heard of the term “lick” when referring to […]
Your post was amazing Molivia! The Lion King is also one of my favorites of all time and proves how impactful children’s stories can be if told right! I also really loved hearing about your personal experiences […]
Assignment #4- My Passions To say that I have one passion would be unrealistic of me to say. I guess what I love to do is express my opinions on the things I love. I […]
Glad to hear that professor! I had made the GIF featuring Thor in giphy! I used that clip because it’s one that I see so much to express excitement and I love Marvel so I thought it was a perfect fit!
Assignment #3- Are Memes art? I believe that anything can be art if it has some creative effort behind it. Art in my eyes isn’t only created by paint or colors. Many […]
Week 2 Assignment I thought the firs day of CT 101 was a lot of fun! It was really exciting to learn about what this class is going to be and how it’s going to […]
Week 1 Assignment Right now what’s making me happy on the internet is all of the recent movie trailers coming out right now! I am a big movie guy and seeing all […]