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Abstract Narrative The growing number of teachers trained through induction programs has resulted in a decrease in the ability of New York City public school teachers to write and understand the mechanics of curriculum design often leaving test prep as a driving force for and a misunderstanding of the use and purposes of the Common Core. Embedded within this […]
Deliverables Digital assignments: Assignment#1 Wiki class “editaton” for Social Studies Induction Residents Purpose: To broaden the scope of teacher assignments and curriculum creation to include technology as an alternative space and alternate modality. To introduce the concept of Wikipedia as a viable and open source of knowledge/content creation tool for social studies teachers. Materials: Laptops, projector […]
Purpose: This project and paper examine the intersection between language, culture and identity, exploring the phenomenology of how ideas on language use, fluidity and supremacy effect the formation of culture, and identity for South African scholar Lebogang Mokwena. The project and paper explore how culture and identity inform Lebogang’s understanding of language. Through the use of documentary […]
My Cultural Institution archive