In the play “A raisin in the sun,” the author depicted the environment of Walter Lee’s family. In the family of Lee, everyone has a goal to achieve: “Lee is tired of his job, he wants to be rich enough to afford […]
I think you are right, on one hand, Captain Delano did have sympathy on slaves, on the other hand, his emotion disturbed his judgement and made him confused by situations on the ship.
Through over the novella of “Benito Cereno”, author Herman Melville mostly depicted plots with the perspective of Captain Delano and the third-personal angle, to create and visualize an anxious, suspicious, and […]
Hi, Yanery! I read this novel as well in a different class and I agree with your opinion about the different perspective between Ashima and Gogol, although some of their experience are overlap, their different […]
According to chapter 6, plot is the significant element that tell what happened in the story, which would shape the story and makes it genius, and it can be narrated in many different ways through discourse. These […]
In Chapter 5 of Literary Theory, Culler mentions that metaphor, as one of the basic uses in language, it is also treated as respectable. He said that metaphor is commonly used to provide a vivid visual image to […]
In the chapter of “Literature, Meaning, and Interpretation”, Culler argues that language, which is used to present meaning, is not pre-existing, on contrary, the meaning of language is given by various int […]
After reading the section of “The nature of literature,” I find myself most interested in angle of “literature as intertextual or self-reflexive construct”. In this part, the meaning of literature is not only pr […]
1.In the chapter2 “What is literature and does it matter?” which is written by Jonathan Culler, he points out that literary and non-literary cannot be clearly defined according to their style, they can come in […]
1.In the chapter2 “What is literature and does it matter?” which is written by Jonathan Culler, he points out that literary and non-literary cannot be clearly defined according to their style, How to defined the […]
Hello Qibu, looks like we both face a challenge of learning English, but that is ok, once we started learning English, we knew we would be fluent one day. Hope you can achieve your goal.
Hi, everyone. my name is Tongxi Li. I came from China last year and I am currently having my second semester majoring in Environmental Science in LAGCC. I like listening to music and playing video games, the sport […]