Artificial Intelligence and Astronomy Artificial Intelligence (AI) is currently a hot topic, and many AI-driven platforms have emerged. I contributed to developing a laboratory w […]
I agree with the statement that we should have more sessions to further discuss these important issues. A couple of takeaways for me was the statement of “establishing trust “, without that, the level of sharing a […]
We are developing open education resources(OER) for one SCC-110 Foundations of Chemistry course. The project that we are working on is developing Homework assignments with MyOpenMath(MOM) Platform. This semester […]
Continuing the work from 2020, Professor Marta Kowalczyk and I have been adding more chemistry questions to the MyOpenMath OER resource for our General Chemistry 1 students. Specifically, with the help of […]
The chapter sequence is easy to follow as it is similar to other General Chemistry textbooks. It is well organized in terms of giving students an explanation of the topic followed […]
Sadly, this email notification was due to a bug (one we’re working to fix)
— the original blog post is from 2009 (!!!), and it has been more than a
year since we’ve eaten pizza together!!! Here’s hoping the day […]