I agree with you Ayah, I never thought about this until now, how any word can have a mental image no matter if the word is too difficult to picture, we at least have a representation to that word and what it applies too.
While reading, one of the topics that I found the most surprising was mental image. Sense, to know the sense of an expression is to have some mental representation of its meaning, and reference, the things in the […]
By analyzing different forms of how everyone uses language, linguists favor descriptivism because of how accurate it is, they see how it’s actually being used. Many years ago, humans didn’t communicate the same […]
What I think the turning point might have looked like when our ancestors advanced from mere animal communication to what would be considered language by Rodman and Napoli is the way humans realized language can […]
What I hope to learn in this class is the history of language back then to now, modern language as well as improve the way I speak and the way I write, become better.