Director, Teaching and Learning Center, CUNY GC
Director, Teaching and Learning Center, CUNY GC
Associate Professor of English and Digital Humanities, Graduate Center, CUNY
Linguistics Alumna - Computer Mediated Communication, Digital Literacy & Emergent Bilingual Support
Metadata creator and cataloging librarian
PhD Student in English
PhD Candidate in English, Program Administrator for Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, Graduate Fellow for CUNY BA
historian of labor and public education, pedagogue, interactive technologist, (premature) digital humanist, proud grandfather, recovering administrator
Associate Professor of English at Queens College
MA student in Digital Humanities/Interactive Technology & Pedagogy
research poet, poet
MALS --> Digital Humanities | Media | Sustainability
Grad Center Student-History Department-Adjunct Prof.
Newborn MALS student interested in postcolonial DH.
MALS Student of Data Visualization and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
M.A. in Liberal Studies with a concentration in Fashion Studies