To determine if my intervention is successful the formative assessment I will be using is an exit ticket. For the exit ticket a word problem will be given to the students to which they will need to state if it is […]
For my research, I had found several strategies that can be used to help ELL students solve addition and subtraction word problems. Some of these strategies include using vocabulary cards to focus on key […]
My research question is how I can best support my English language learner students in understanding how to solve addition and subtraction equations and word problems. I have chosen this research question because […]
A word problem that I wrote was: Jim bakes twenty cupcakes for the school bake sale. Jim had baked four more cupcakes than Sally. How many cupcakes did Sally bake? This is a compare problem where the smaller […]
An obstacle that might occur when wanting to create change in a mathematics classroom is the strictness of how a child is taught to solve a problem and show their work a certain way. Many schools have a strict set […]
I would identify myself as a visual mathematics learner. From a young age I tended to think of numbers in terms of items to help me with my calculations. The experiences I feel that led me to think in this way was […]