It’s funny how some people embrace change, and others fear it. (My favorite academic joke is about how many faculty members it takes to change a light bulb. “Change, CHANGE? Who said anything about change!”) And […]
Paint — and beach chair! — how wonderful to hear how these inexpensive and last-minute ideas can have such a huge impact. We won’t know about the ultimate impact of congestion pricing, for good or ill, for […]
I have begun tasking myself with that question, “am I being fair?” I was surprised and pleased with the discussion about a strategy for free CUNY. As you note, the Chancellor is indeed an open-minded and […]
Thanks, George! I am glad that the Chancellor’s warmth and kindness — and determination to be fair — came through to you the way it always does to me. You did a terrific job interviewing him.
The lingering effects of COVID are all around us, sadly. The learning loss for young students, the interrupted college experience at CUNY, not to mention the health issues that still affect so many — it was […]
I agree, the numbers to fix housing in NYC are so daunting that it becomes one of those problems that just seems intractable. On the other hand, we are learning a lot about what happens if we DON’T fix the […]
Many of your classmates have also been struck by how varied Jamie’s career has been. It is a hallmark of most of the speakers we’ve heard from — and when we step back at the end of the semester, I’m sure we will […]
You’re so right, Zyta: these problems are all so intertwined. Cost, zoning, NIMBY, gentrification — all combine to make affordable housing just out of reach of New Yorkers. I hope we talk more about careers, […]
Everything takes so long….so the moral of that story was we better get started! imagine the life of a child in NYCHA, spending their entire school years there, waiting for repairs and improvements. Jamie’s […]
Thanks, Laila — you and Isidro did a terrific job interviewing him, and I did feel that all three of you got even stronger as the interview proceeded. A reminder that these conversations work best as the […]
That $80B number really stuck in all of our heads! You’re so right to reflect on the impact of the federal funding freeze, which puts the recent debate over a government shutdown in a new perspective for me. That […]
Given its size, NYCHA probably is one of the city’s biggest landlords, as you note, and I admire Jamie’s leadership in scouring the city for strategies that will help so many people. We have to have solutions, […]
Agree — I was in NYCHA despair until Jamie pulled out the private sector strategy as one possible direction. And you’ve flagged one of the reasons for the speaker series. Hearing about his circuitous (but […]
I hope we’ll talk some more in class about the potential challenges around privatizing/conflict of interest. But I share your enthusiasm for solutions that look everywhere and don’t pre-censor or shut off avenues […]
so glad you have firsthand experience about how this design change can influence a neighborhood! I have a recent less than positive experience…my crosstown street recently installed a bus lane (red paint) and […]
All very good questions, and over the course of the semester, we will probably learn a lot more about that last one, how the current administration will treat the Department of Education. I like what you’re […]
“Chancellor Rodriguez said that his proudest achievement as chancellor was the increased focus on career inspiration and engagement.” I was intrigued by that, given our class discussion on the tension between […]
I was in Times Square this weekend and marveled at the changes that were created during the Bloomberg administration, specifically designed and implemented by JS-K. When we think of how individuals can make a […]
I grew up riding a bike but I confess that I have never driven on city streets, though I’m sorely tempted. People and advocacy first! JS-K was indeed a great communicator, clear, funny, personable, historical […]
JS-K did endure such backlash…it’s a pity that public servants have to navigate our polarized environment, in which even well-meaning, data-driven decisions and decision-makers are subjected to harsh criticism. […]