Based in NYC, Shreya Sunderram is a high school history teacher, education scholar, and Critical Participatory Action Researcher who investigates the ways that colonialism, racism, and structures of violence are upheld within sites of knowledge production—K-12 schools, academia, museums—and how youth driven policy, classrooms, and curriculum are the key to dismantling harm. Shreya runs a YPAR research space in a high school in lower Manhattan where she previously taught history for five years, and is a K-12 Research Fellow at the Asian American/Asian Research Institute @CUNY where she is the Co-PI on a project constructing a community driven AANHPI History Curricula for New York State. Her most recent publication in the Journal of Curriculum Studies discusses the ways in which standardized testing perpetuates colonialism and narrative erasure of the Global South.
Shreya Sunderram (2023) Representation, Race and Empire: a Postcolonial Analysis of the New York Global History Regents exam, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 55:6, 661-681, DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2023.2255993
New York State Equity Fund Grant for CACF/AAARI
Youth Participatory Action Research; Curriculum Studies; Ethnic Studies; Decolonizing Pedagogy; Game Based Learning