Monday, May 5 6:30-8 pm – Asian Society – Art Talk: Art in a Transnational World: Okwui Enwezor, Rirkrit Tiravanija, and Melissa Chiu – Join Okwui Enwezor, internationally acclaimed curator of the upcoming […]
The city in its complete sense, then, is a geographic plexus, an economic organization, an institutional process, a theater of social action, and an aesthetic symbol of collective unity. The city fosters art and […]
A few years ago I ended a relationship because I found out he was using porn to masturbate. I’ve run into this problem in relationships before. He told me that porn was less messy. I suppose simulated sex would […]
Monday, April 28 6:30 pm – Museum of Natural History – Side Slam – Library Special Collections at the American Museum of Natural History is proud to launch its wide-ranging new online database of digital […]
April 15, Tuesday 11 am – Metropolitan Museum of Art – Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Style – The Museum’s newly installed galleries of Dutch paintings (galleries 631 through 638) place twenty works by Rembrandt and […]
Articles addressing the “science” of monogamy are everywhere. Is it a biological imperative; entirely constructed in society; a practice designed to promote family building and social order? Do other animals […]
There are only two books that have survived my original teenage bookshelf. One of those was called Open Marriage. It’s still available forty-two years after having been a bestseller. In this groundbreaking work, […]
Dee Dee sat in the corner cubicle of our office, playing SimCity or snoozing, listening to and singing John Legend’s “Tonight (Best You Ever Had),” and occasionally making or taking phone calls about program […]
For me, this word, community, conjures up images of concentric circles. It starts off with the individual, filled with personal histories and beliefs about the world. Stepping out, the circle includes more people; […]
When many people imagine protests, they think of anarchy. Protest, however, is not inherently anarchic. If anything, it is inherently democratic – a people exercising their […]
Protests have a tragic air to them. For millennia, they have been society’s most participatory form of politics. The dispossessed, disenfranchised, and disillusioned take to the streets in desperation, only […]
Restaurant Review by Rachael Benavidez
58 Park Avenue,
(between 37th & 38th Streets)
New York, NY 10016
Smörgås Chef:
Scandinavia House: <a […]
A class discussion made me think about the way we think about love and what kind of love we love best. According to the Guinness World Records, the world’s oldest love poem is from approximately 4000 years ago, […]
How does one change? How does one grow? What does it take to rise above one’s own personal weariness? How does one acquire the will to change one’s point of view?
When night falls, life inside the subway changes. The experience of the nighttime subway varies depending on who you are and where you are going. The experience of women differs from that of men. And the […]