
  • MS Population Health Informatics- City University of NY School of Public Health
  • Graduate Certificate -Public Health, City University of NY School of Public Health
  • Graduate Certificate -Interactive Technology & Pedagogy, City University of NY Grad Center
  • Bachelors Degree-Biology & Religion, Rutgers University


Ahmeti, S. (2024) Preliminary Results from the Sick Childcare Needs Assessment Study [Zenodo]

P Chen, KM Goedert, E Murray, K Kelly, S Ahmeti Line bisection and “where” perceptual-attentional spatial bias: Aged men go right NEUROLOGY, 2010

Chen P, Goedert KM, Murray E, Kelly K, Ahmeti S, Barrett AM. Spatial bias and right hemisphere function: sex-specific changes with aging. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2011;17(3):455-462. doi:10.1017/S135561771100004X

Barrett, A. M., Murray, E. M., Varugbese, S., Kelly, K. J., & Ahmeti, S. (2007, January). Post-stroke spatial bias and spatial neglect in near and far space. In ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY (Vol. 62, pp. S3-S3).

Test-Retest Reliability of the FAST-R, poster presented at the 34th​ Annual International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Boston, MA. Ahmeti, S., Kelley, K., Spreder, M., Spofford, C., Barrett, A.M., (Feb 2006)

Academic Interests

Population Health Informatics, User Design, Usability Testing, Disability and Chronic Disease, Remote Health Monitoring, Digital Health Interventions, Equity in Healthcare and Education, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Data Exchange Standards, Integration in EHR/EMR systems