Timothy Shortell, Ph.D.


Professor of Sociology, Brooklyn College

I am trained as a social psychologist. My research concerns belonging. I have conducted qualitative visual research about belonging for religious minorities in the US, France, and the UK. My current work focuses on social identities in public discourse. I am analyzing large corpus data on US evangelicals and identity dynamics in social media.



Academic Interests

computational social psychology

visual sociology

rural sociology

data analytics and visualization

educational technology


Professor, Sociology, Brooklyn College


I began my research career doing discourse analysis and wrote an application, SemioCode, to do the kind of content analysis I was using based on my dissertation. As a result, I developed teaching interests in statistical programming, large sample discourse analysis, and social network analysis. I am fluent in Perl, C, PHP, R, and Python, and have been introducing coding into my courses in social network analysis and quantitative methods.

Courses taught: Data & Society*, Quantitative Methods*, Introductory Statistics*, Advanced Statistics*, Social Networks*, Stratification, Sociology of Science & Technology, Sociology of Religion, Visual Sociology, Sociology of Sport, Introductory Sociology
* includes programming component