‘On It Just Being Research, Really, And Endless Hours Of Work: Originality and Influence.’ Modern Language Studies, Winter 2012.
‘On the Difficulty of Distinguishing Between the Buildings Used to Keep the Foodstuffs and Those Associated With the Dead.’ Massachusetts Review, Winter 2009.
‘They Reduced Us To Such a State We Became Like…’ Columbia: A Journal of Art and Literature, March 2007
‘Messina (II): Beckmann.’ Web Conjunctions, May 2009. Named to Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2010.
‘Cosima.’ Web Conjunctions, February 2008.
“Mike Brown is Back.” The Classical, November 2014
“Summer League and the Zone of No-Context.” The Classical, July 25, 2012.
“Feeding The Van Gundy: A Night at the NBA Draft”(with Robert Attenweiler), The Classical, July 2, 2012
“Harvey Pekar’s Cleveland, And Ours.” The Classical, June 14, 2012.
“The Clebut: Part One, Part Two, Part Three” (with Robert Attenweiler). The Classical, March, 2012.
‘Our Greatest Year, a Play By R. Attenweiler and S. Henkle.’ Disgraced Productions. Produced in Brooklyn, NY (June, 2011), Cleveland (March, 2012) and Mansfield, OH (October, 2012). Reviewed favorably in the New York Times.