A group for all faculty teaching courses on the Commons
A group for all faculty teaching courses on the Commons
A group for Hunter faculty hosted by Hunter's Academic Center for Excellence in Research and Teaching (ACERT). ACERT fosters a community in which faculty use innovative pedagogy, technology, and assessment to […]
For BMCC and Hunter faculty who have participated in the AANAPISI Bridge Initiative Faculty Seminar Series.
This group is envisioned to be a place where the CUNY community can share information, papers and ideas about Disability Studies. Members can post to the Blog and upload documents.
This group helps instructors of Hunter’s “Survey of American Literature: Origins to the Civil War” course (ENGL 307) share ideas, syllabi, lesson plans, etc. Please feel free to submit your work to the group as we […]
This group helps instructors of Hunter's "Introduction to Literary Theory" course share ideas, syllabi, lesson plans, etc. Please feel free to submit your work to the group as well as take/hack/adapt the work of […]
This group is one of the arms of the Revolutionizing American Studies initiative, the fuller description of which is available at its partner blog site: […]
This group stems from the January 2016 Hunter College ACERT Teaching Scholarship Circle, "Applying Critical Race Theory in the College Classroom".
Hosted by: Hunter HCAP and ACERT BMCC Department of Ethnic and Race Studies and CETLS
Private group for English Discipline Council members.