Sara Vogel, PhD.


Director, Computing Integrated Teacher Education, CUNY

Lifelong Brooklynite. Researcher/practitioner at the the intersection of bilingual, social justice, and computing ed. Director of the CUNY Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE), an initiative to support CUNY faculty to prepare educators to equitably and meaningfully integrate computing and digital literacies into public schools.

Academic Interests

My research focuses on how K-12 bi/multilingual learners leverage their diverse translanguaging practices as they interface with computer science learning, and how teachers can learn to support emergent bi/multilinguals to have meaningful and critical conversations about, with, and through technology.

I work in collaboration with researchers at CUNY and NYU-Steinhardt as well as teachers at three middle schools in Washington Heights in a project called Participating in Literacies and Computer Science (PiLaCS).

I think about how educators use technology in production-centered activities with bilingual youth; connected learning education for social justice and democracy; culturally relevant/sustaining pedagogy; culturally responsive teaching; critical computing education, design thinking computational thinking; the role of educators’ visions in computer science for all policies; game design and games for learning, all in  formal and informal K-12 learning environments


Research Director, Computing Integrated Teacher Education, Central Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY Central
Clinical Faculty, Bank Street – TESOL Residency Program, non-cuny
Postdoctoral Associate, NYU – Steinhardt, non-cuny
Adjunct Lecturer, the Foundations of Bilingual Education, Curriculum and Teaching, Hunter College
Co-Founder and Head Research Assistant, Participating in Literacies and Computer Science (PiLaCS), CUNY Graduate Center
Research Assistant, CUNY-NYS Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals, CUNY Graduate Center


Ph.D. in Urban Education, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, NY


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Vogel, S. (2021). “Los programadores debieron pensarse como dos veces”: Exploring the Intersections of Language, Power and Technology with Bi/Multilingual Students. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Special Issue on Justice-centered Computing Education.

Vogel, S., Hoadley, C., Castillo, A. R., & Ascenzi-Moreno, L. (2020). Languages, literacies, and literate programming: Can we use the latest theories on how bilingual people learn to help us teach computational literacies? Computer Science Education.


Vogel, S. (2020). Translanguaging About, With, and Through Code and Computing: Emergent Bi/multilingual Middle Schoolers Forging Computational Literacies. The Graduate Center of the City University of New York.

Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Radke, S. C., Vogel, S., Hoadley, C., & Ma, J. (2020, June). Representing Percents and Personas: Designing Syncretic Curricula for Modeling and Statistical Reasoning. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Nashville, TN.

Vogel, S., Hoadley, C., Ascenzi-Moreno, L., & Menken, K. (2019). The Role of Translanguaging in Computational Literacies: Documenting Middle School Bilinguals’ Practices in Computer Science Integrated Units. In Proceedings of ACM SIG Computer Science Education (SIGCSE’19). Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Vogel, S., Santo, R., & Ching, D. (2017). Visions of Computer Science Education: Unpacking Arguments for and Projected Impacts of CS4All Initiatives. In Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education. Seattle, WA: ACM.

Book Chapters in Edited Volumes

Vogel, S., Ascenzi-Moreno, L., & García O. (2018). An Expanded View of Translanguaging: Leveraging the Dynamic Interactions Between a Young Multilingual Writer and Machine Translation Software. In Choi, J., Ollerhead, S., & French, M. (Eds.), Plurilingualism in Learning and Teaching: Complexities Across Contexts. Routledge.

Vogel, S., & Perry, J. (2018). We Got This: Toward a Facilitator-Youth Apprenticeship Approach to Supporting Collaboration and Design Challenges in Youth-Designed Mobile Location-Based Games. In S. Arafeh, D. Herro, C. Holden, & R. Ling (Eds.), Mobile Technologies: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Information Age Publishing.

Vogel, S., & García, O. (2017, December). Translanguaging. In G. Noblit & L. Moll (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from:

García, O., Velasco, P. Menken, K. & Vogel, S. (2018). Doing dual language bilingual education in the Big Apple. In Arias, M.B., Fee, M. (Eds.) Perspectives on Dual Language Programs. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Book Reviews

Vogel, S. (2018). Translingual practices and neoliberal policies: Attitudes and strategies of African skilled migrants in Anglophone workplaces. International Multilingual Research Journal, 12(2), 140–142.

For Practitioners

Santo, R., Vogel, S., & Ching, D. (2019). CS for What? Diverse Visions for Computer Science Education in Practice. New York, NY: CSforALL. Retrieved from 

Espinosa, C., Ascenzi-Moreno, L., & Vogel, S. (2016). A Translanguaging Pedagogy for Writing: A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for Educators. New York: CUNY- New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals. Retrieved from


Created a series of educational videos for K-12 teachers entitled Teaching Bilinguals: (Even if You’re Not One). See:

Co-produced a series of educational videos for computing educators of bi/multilingual learners: