Archival collection of materials related to CUNY students participating in distance learning during the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 (Corona) pandemic.
Archival collection of materials related to CUNY students participating in distance learning during the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 (Corona) pandemic.
This course group site will be used for routine communications, and where course readings in .pdf format will be posted in the “Files” section.
A private group for students in DHUM 70000 / IDS 81660 / MALS 75400 - Introduction to Digital Humanities - Fall 2018, CUNY Graduate Center CC-licensed group avatar by Flickr user Jeffrey Hood https://flic.kr/p/9qFgtw
Introductory course for the MALS program. Instructor: David Humphries Course Image: by Ars Electronica
This course group site will be used for routine communications, and where course readings in .pdf format will be posted in the “Files” section.
A private group for students in MALS 75500/MALS 75300 -- Digital Humanities Methods and Practices. Spring 2019, CUNY Graduate Center