I totally agree with you, good food does connect us all together, and its such a craft that you can get inspired to recreate food recipes! Great job! Maybe you might become a culinary chef in the future as a hobby.
Love the way you are talking to your reader in the blog post and giving us insight into your hobbies and who you are as a person! I also love reading, and Cheesecake Factory is an amazing restaurant! Next time you […]
Assignment 4- My Passion: Poetry The thing I am most passionate about, my hobby and solstice, the creative talent that keeps me grounded as a person, is writing […]
Final Submission Post Taking CT101 Digital Storytelling in my final semester of college has been a delightful learning experience filled with obstacles that I […]
Assignment 7- Mid Semester ReflectionIn the beginning and throughout CT101, I feel like I could not do as good as I would like in terms of keeping up since I was overwhelmed with […]
Assignment 6- Digital In my perspective Creativity is the ability to express myself freely and authentically through art medium, bringing feelings, thoughts, and […]
Amazing job! Thank you for sharing something that you’re passionate about, therefore introducing me to the topic and incorporating it with what we are learning in CT101!
Assignment 5- The Daily Create In browsing through Daily Create, there are many project options that are available to choose from to complete/ replicate. The one I […]
Amazing job, you automatically caught my attention with the title alone. I love the relatable CT101 memes, spot on! And congratulations on getting to go to the SZA concert, the universe works in mysterious ways lol!
Assignment 3- Are Memes Art? I believe that Internet Memes are art. It communicates personal experiences with various imagery and a caption so to speak, of your own […]
I love your viewpoint on the class, and the added pronunciation of Gif that not many people realize. I agree with you, this class is incredible and unlike other classes in terms of the workload and it being a […]