We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
This course covers a representative range of American writings of the 1620-1865 period, from seventeenth-century Puritan prose and poetry to the eighteenth-century literature of enlightenment, revolution, and […]
During the past two decades, a revolution has occurred in scholarship: troves of archival materials that were once very hard to access and search have been digitized and put online. Rare books and manuscripts; […]
The decades leading up to the Civil War, known as the American Renaissance, are generally regarded not only as the peak moment in American cultural expression but also as a watershed of themes reaching back to […]
This course explores the historical contexts of Abraham Lincoln, who is widely recognized as America’s greatest president and its central historical figure. Lincoln provides a unique inroad into understanding the U […]
Known as the American Renaissance, the four decades leading up to the Civil War saw landmark meditations on race and slavery by William Wells Brown, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Jacobs; innovations in rhetoric […]