Este 19 de agosto 2021, Elena defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Desde el fuego que en mí arde: Performance, literatura y cine afro-latinoamericano producidos por mujeres afrodescendientes en Pe […]
Congrats to LAILAC alum Inés Vañó García (’21) for her appointment as Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages & Literatures Department of Saint Anselm College, located in Manchester, New Hamps […]
Este 27 de julio 2021, Inés defendió exitosamente su disertación titulada: “Discursos institucionales y manuales de texto de la American Association of Teachers of Spanish (1912-1944): Un Estudio de la hist […]
Congrats to LAILAC alum Justo Planas (’21) for his appointment as a Visiting Scholar during the academic year 2021–22 at The Cuban Research Institute. He will revise his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Born in […]
Felicitaciones al exalumno de LAILAC, Juan Nicolás Tineo, por recibir el “Premio Excelencia Magisterial 2021”, otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación y el presidente de República Dominicana, Luis Abinader. Pu […]
Congrats to LAILAC’s alum José Chávarry (’19) for obtaining a tenure track position at the College of Charleston, starting this fall. In the attached CUNY news interview, he shares advice on getting a tenure t […]
Join The City College Downtown for the 6th International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and the Americas.
Date: April 28-30, 2021
Distinguished Professors at the GC Raquel Chang-Rodríguez and […]
El Mexican Studies Group y AELLA (Asociación de Estudiantes Latinas/os y Latinoamericanas/os) del Doctoral and Graduate Students´ Council (DGSC) invitan al conversatorio “Fronteras Latinx”.
Lxs autor […]
El Mexican Studies Group del Doctoral and Graduate Students´ Council (DGSC) invita a la charla con la autora Cristina Rivera Garza, quien nos hablará sobre su reciente libro Autobiografía del algodón, en el que […]
Join the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies.
This panel looks at the state of Mexican media in the 21st century, drawing on examples from the three interconnected media of cinema, television, and […]
El Mexican Studies Group del Doctoral and Graduate Students’ Council (DGSC) invita a la presentación del libro y charla “México diverso. Sus lenguas y sus hablantes” con la sociolingüista Dora Pellicer, el miérc […]