Romm Lewkowicz

Phd Candidate, Anthropology

My research and teaching draw on political theory, critical legal studies, and ethnographic methodologies to reevaluate the history and experience of forced migration, asylum regulation, and post-war European integration. My dissertation “Documenting the Undocumented” is an ethnography of refugee biometric surveillance in the EU.



+1-212-817-8005 · [email protected]


Visiting Research Fellow, Trafflab – Labor Perspectives to Human Trafficking, *Non-CUNY
Adjunct Lecturer, Anthropology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Adjunct Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology, Baruch College

Academic Interests

Migration regulation; Asylum; Bureaucracy; Lived Biometrics; Surveillance; STS; Anthropology of Law; Political Theory; Postwar Europe; The Mediterranean; Decolonization; Queer theory;


M.Phil. Anthropology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, June 2017

M.Sc.   Anthropology, University College London (UCL), First Class honors with Distinction, September 2011

B.A.    Dual Major: European History and The Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Program, Tel Aviv University, Summa Cum Laude, May 2010