My research and teaching draw on political theory, critical legal studies, and ethnographic methodologies to reevaluate the history and experience of forced migration, asylum regulation, and post-war European integration. My dissertation “Documenting the Undocumented” is an ethnography of refugee biometric surveillance in the EU.
+1-212-817-8005 · [email protected]
Migration regulation; Asylum; Bureaucracy; Lived Biometrics; Surveillance; STS; Anthropology of Law; Political Theory; Postwar Europe; The Mediterranean; Decolonization; Queer theory;
M.Phil. Anthropology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, June 2017
M.Sc. Anthropology, University College London (UCL), First Class honors with Distinction, September 2011
B.A. Dual Major: European History and The Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Program, Tel Aviv University, Summa Cum Laude, May 2010