I was surprised to learn about two topics. The first one was “semantic relationships”. I learned that there can be meaningful connections between two different words, an example that was given in the book was of […]
I remember when I was a young child, I used to pronounce the [v] sound as a [w]. For instance, I would say “woice” instead of “voice”. This is something I do struggle with to this day, since for me [w] and [v] […]
Descriptivism is a more non-judgemental approach when it comes to understanding a language. This concept allows more flexibility to form sentences. There is also the use of mental grammar in descriptive grammar as […]
When we look back at the early days of language, things were either expressed through art and gestures. The turning point would have been the ability to realize that early humans were specific and thorough with […]
I hope to learn a bit more about the history of language and perhaps more about linguistic anthropology. I hope to learn more about the forgotten languages. I do also want to learn about folklore and if language […]