An alum of The Graduate Center and Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt School of Information interested in evidence, documentation, and data visualization, as they intersect with human rights, historical memory, and social justice.
Evidence, Documentation, Metadata, Information Structures, Data Visualization, The Production of History, Memory Studies, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Accountability, State Violence, Visual and Material Culture, Language and Power, Conceptions of Time, Public History, U.S., Transnational Perspectives
Selected publications include :
“Documenting Mohenjo-Daro: Digitization and Visualization of Architecture, Infrastructure, and Artefacts from DK-G South.” By Uzma Z. Rizvi, Can Sucoglu, and Rachel Daniell. Ancient India, Vol 5: Recent Advances in Harappan Archaeology. Archaeological Survey of India. Delhi. (2022)
Special journal issue: Memory Studies “Memory | Materiality | Sensuality,” Co-Edited with Lindsey Freeman and Benjamin Nienass, January 2016, http://mss.sagepub.com/content/9/1.toc
“The Ghostly City: Encounters with Material Memory.” (Essay) In the exhibition publication “i” edited by Maricruz AlarcoĢn, Pieter Paul Pothoven, and Ilyn Wong, accompanying the exhibition “I scarcely have the right to use this ghostly verb,” The New School, April 2014; co-author with Lindsey Freeman & Benjamin Nienass.
“Making Visible: Reflexive Narratives at the Manzanar U.S. National Historic Site.” (Book Chapter). In Silence, Screen, and Spectacle: Rethinking Social Memory in the Age of Information, co-edited by Lindsey Freeman, Benjamin Nienass, and Rachel Daniell Berghahn Books, March 2014, Volume 14, Remapping Cultural History Series, http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title.php?rowtag=FreemanSilence
“Violent Terms: Examining the Language of ‘Law’ and ‘Torture’ in the Bush Administration.” Anthropology News, September 26 2012, http://www.anthropology-news.org/index.php/2012/09/26/violent-terms/
“Engaging Archival Power: Creative Time’s ‘Social Practices Archive’ and the Living as Form Project.”e-misferica 9.1-9.2, “On the Subject of Archives” edited by Marianne Hirsch and Diana Taylor, Summer 2012 July 31 2012, http://hemisphericinstitute.org/hemi/en/e-misferica-91/daniell
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Pratt School of Information
civic tech, archival and metadata projects for social justice, collaboration, art and creative projects for social change, data as a change-maker
PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Anthropology
MS, Data Analytics & Visualization/Certificate in Spatial Analysis & Design, Pratt Institute
MA, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Liberal Studies-International Studies
Graduate Certificate, Media & Social Change, Transregional Center for Democracy Studies, The New School
— Visiting Assistant Professor, Pratt School of Information
— Adjunct Assistant Professor, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Data Analysis and Visualization MS Program
— Lecturer, Pratt Institute School of Continuing and Professional Studies, GIS and Design Program
— Consultant researcher – specialist in qualitative data and spatial data research
— Researcher, Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF, Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense, www.eaaf.org )
Selected presentations include:
“Visualizing a Contemporary Humanitarian Crisis: Exploratory Mapping of Migrant Deaths from the Unstructured Text of Newspaper Accounts,” Rachel Daniell and Molly Miranker. NACIS conference, Oct. 2024
“Every Day After Was September 12th,” Memory Rebound Conference, The New School, Apr. 2018
“Artifacts of Non-Information,” (visual installation) American Anthropology Association Meeting, Nov. 2016
“The Afterlives of Government Documents: Access to Information on U.S. Human Rights Violations in the ‘War on Terror,'” Archives, Witnessing & Testimony: Truth Battles, Lehman College, Apr. 2016.
“The Materiality of Redaction,” Translating Memory and Remembrance across the Disciplines, SUNY- New Paltz, Mar. 2016.
“The Making of Archives in the Aftermath of U.S. Human Rights Violations,” Society for the Anthropology of North America Meeting, Apr. 2015.
“The Body and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia,” Association for Political and Legal Anthropology Annual Meeting, Apr. 2013.
“The Call and Response of the Trace: Material Evidence of Violence and Production of Materially Based Responses in Post-Dictatorship Spain,” American Anthropology Assoc., Nov. 2011.
“Sites & Reflexivity: Narratives at the Manzanar World War II Camp National Historic Site,” Producing History: Place, Memory, & Documentation, The Graduate Center, CUNY, Apr. 2011.
“A Reflexive Turn in Sites of Memory?: Manzanar, Historical Narrative, and Community Activism,” Society for the Anthropology of North America Annual Meeting, Apr. 2010.
“Survey Implementation Strategies” and “How Data Communicates: Organizing, Analyzing, and Presenting Data,” AmeriCorps Service Forum, 2005.