From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
The PowerPoint presentation was clear. It was very informative.
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
This week PowerPoint was interesting. I understood the PowerPoint.
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
The PowerPoint was clear. It helped go in dept with reading.
From the readings, what isn’t clear? What sur […]
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
The PowerPoint presentation was interesting this week; everything was clear in PowerPoint. The different g […]
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
-In the PowerPoint, you talked about the race between technology and technology. You mention they would more l […]
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear? Any thoughts or comments you would like to share?
In the PowerPoint slide I found the last slide about the quote Interesting because during the time that C. W […]
From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear?
This well PowerPoint had a lot of interesting information. In the PowerPoint, I was confused about the different concepts of inequality. It seems like the C […]
1. From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear
In the powerpoint I was confused about comparing income and consumption inequality. The part a found unclear was when you said you can have zero income b […]
1.From my PowerPoint presentation, what isn’t clear?
There was a lot of interesting information given this week through the power point, the 3 videos and the readings. I think I was a little lost this week t […]
1.Do you agree with Atkinson when he says that “If we are concerned about equality of opportunity tomorrow, we need to be concerned about inequality of outcome today”? Why?
I agree with Atkinson when he says tha […]