A private group for students and staff of the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center -- http://www.gc.cuny.edu/dh
A private group for students and staff of the MA Program in Digital Humanities at The Graduate Center -- http://www.gc.cuny.edu/dh
Public Interest Group associated with the GC TLC Critical AI Literacy Institute
A group for all faculty teaching courses on the Commons
Critical Ed Tech: MA Program in DH, CUNY Graduate Center, Spring 2023 Group logo from "The Agent of Ascension," by Ryan Seslow.
Sustainability curriculum development group.
A meta-group for all of the Commons' group admins so that the CUNY Academic Commons team can share information and keep you updated about changes to the site (and especially the Group interface). This group will […]
Group for the Summer Institute sponsored by the CEN of city college
for cultural diversity and speaking
English 21007 Assignments
Our home countries cookings.
Digital Pedagogy 2 course for Spring 2021
A private group for students in DHUM 70000 / IDS 81660 / MALS 75400 - Introduction to Digital Humanities - Fall 2018, CUNY Graduate Center CC-licensed group avatar by Flickr user Jeffrey Hood https://flic.kr/p/9qFgtw
Website and group of the DGSC committee.
Hostos Action Committee Group
CCNY Writing in the Sciences
A private group for students in MALS 75500/MALS 75300 -- Digital Humanities Methods and Practices. Spring 2019, CUNY Graduate Center
The Lost Art Collective consists of a group of master students who will create an online platform dedicated to promoting knowledge about artwork looted throughout colonialism. The project is part of the Digital […]
This group is for the Spring 2019 Writing in the Sciences