McPherron, P., & Smoke, T. (2019). Thinking sociolinguistically: How to plan, conduct, and present your research project. London, England: Palgrave MacMillan Press.
McPherron, P. (2017). Internationalizing teaching, localizing learning: An examination of English language teaching reforms and English use in China. London, England: Palgrave MacMillan Press.
McPherron, P., & Randolph, P.T. (2014). “Cat got your tongue?”: Recent research and classroom practices for teaching idioms to English learners around the world. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Press.
McPherron, P., & Ramanathan, V. (Eds.). (2011). Language, body, and health. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter Press.
McPherron, P., Zhang, L., Xiao, P., & Monn, R. (2005). Handbook for advanced level of North Star English language series. Beijing: Tsinghua Press.