Hi susan, I really like the insight you made on your discussion post. I also found the aspect of dictionaries being something pretty “miniscule” (for a lack of a better word, when it comes to spoken language) […]
While reading this week’s class material, it really had me thinking about the way we (as humans) speak and communicate to each other, and it really emphasized how complex yet incredibly interesting language is. B […]
I remember as a child, I was learning two languages at once (English and Spanish), and I remember struggling a lot with pronunciation. I was even in speech class because these issues were interfering with my […]
According to the slides, it was shown that many linguists tend to prefer the “descriptive” side of language. Because of this, descriptivism to me seems to be the less “formal” way of viewing the “right” […]
Throughout these readings, there is a significant focus point when it comes to the use of communication among living things (Humans and animals) that are incredibly important in their daily lives. However, it is […]
I hope to further my understanding when it comes to the history of language and linguistics overall. I would like to pursue a career in education (English teacher), so I feel as if this course can give me great […]