Tuesday, May 25, 2021 marks one year since the murder of George Floyd. Students, staff, and faculty may be affected by this and other traumatic events of the past year and beyond. This episode of […]
We are now past the halfway point of the semester. You’ve hopefully collected student feedback and learned what’s not working in your course. Now what?
This week’s TMM episode does not include a video, but rather a step-by-step presentation on using Google Slides to make your lesson content more engaging.
“Chunking” is a term coined by psychologist George Miller to describe our short-term memory’s ability to hold and process information. This video provides an introduction.
You prepare a great lesson and class goes well, but the following week the students seem to have forgotten all that they learned. What’s happening? Perhaps they’re missing the opp […]
This week, consider how you can support your students’ mental and physical wellbeing through your course design. What are you doing to incorporate physical activity and n […]
In this video, consider the roadmap you’ve provided for your students. Are there clear descriptions of each sidebar tab, and a layout of what students need to do for their weekly r […]