If you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Maya Roth at [email protected]. If you know of a book that would be suitable for review in JADT, please arrange for a […]
Encounters on Contested Lands: Indigenous Performances of Sovereignty and Nationhood in Québec. Julie Burelle. Performance Works, Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2019; 232 pp.
Contemporary Women Stage Directors: Conversations on Craft. Paulette Marty. London; New York: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury Collections, 2019; Pp. 292 + viii.
Contemporary Women Stage Directors: Conversations on Cr […]
If you would like to write a review for JADT, please contact our current book review editor Donatella Galella at [email protected]. If you know of a book that would be suitable for review in JADT, please arrange for […]
Palabras del Cielo: An Exploration of Latina/o Theatre for Young Audiences. Compiled by José Casas with Christina Marín, ed. Woodstock, IL: Dramatic Publishing, 2018; Pp. 581.
Unfinished Business: Michael Jackson, Detroit, & the Figural Economy of American Deindustrialization. Judith Hamera. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017; Pp. 286 + xvii.