Um. Angela. The consideration you approach everything with – including this comment – is a guiding principle that I want to continue to work on. Thank you for your care. I appreciate you.
Thank you for always sharing your work with such grace and vulnerability; there is just so much here to learn from and it inspires me to be more open and receptive to feedback. You’ve managed to really […]
I am not where I was 15 weeks ago where the definition of methods was that little fuzzy thing you kind of see in your eye that you can’t even quite catch.
BUT I am still working through my own definition. […]
My key texts and my theoretical framework(s) are: decolonial feminism as defined by Maria Lugones, and Black feminist epistemology as discussed by Patricia Hill Collins.
This research paper will incorporate legal journals and quantitative research to ground qualitative research, stories, and reports of domestic violence and reproductive […]
I initially grounded my work in Feminist scholarship, with a paticular focus in work concerning Bodies & Materiality, as well as perspectives which understand […]
Decolonial Feminisms & Cinema as Ritual: An Open Syllabus
My long project is an open syllabus bringing together texts and films that theorize and/or demonstrate decolonial feminist praxis within a primarily […]
For my framework, I will be writing an autoethnography of my own experiences with biphobia and the impact it has had on the journey of my queerness while also using two […]
1. My key texts and my theoretical framework(s) are: I take influence from Matt Brim’s Poor Queer Studies, in which the College of Staten Island is used as a case study for his analysis of the ways queer s […]
Hi! My long project will be a work-in-progress website, hosted at the gc commons. I want to use this an auto/duo/multi-ethnographic exercise for myself and others to tell and collect stories. This will be a […]
I’m prefacing this with my flexibility as I want to know what you think. For my final project, I’m going to be working on a book proposal, that will be the format of this paper, about Queering Stand-Up Comedy: […]