I throughly enjoyed going through the Wikipedia instructor training. I teach at the high school and graduate levels and after this training I am rethinking the ways that Wikipedia could have a place in my […]
I think your question about the promotion of movement in the digital age is so interesting! From a teachers perspective, I know how important movement is, and I try to find space to allow it in my class as much as […]
I wonder about that as well, but I think as long as students have internalized the neoliberal mindset (which I think many have) it will take more than free college to undo their thinking that college is the road […]
I’d love to do this! Especially before the paper is due. Lisa, I like the idea of choosing a meeting after class on a day that folks aren’t planning on attending lab. Any thoughts on October 24?
I also read this piece thinking about the subtext of control – who has it, when, and how is the author writing about it? I appreciated how fully Rosenzwieg ‘networked’ the histories of the ‘brilliant […]
I found myself thinking about similar 21st century issues after reading Thompson’s work, particularly around the ‘flexibility’ that (some) modern work offers. The exploitation of leisure time that Ximena mentions […]