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    Reading Cities

    In Passing, Nella Larsen suggest through the word “mother,” that motherhood hinders Irene’s ability to be with Clare, which is important because it shows how motherhood constrains the sexuality of Irene. In the s […]

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    Reading Cities

    In Passing, Nella Larsen suggest through the word “mother,” that motherhood hinders Irene’s ability to be with Clare, which is important because it shows how motherhood constrains the sexuality of Irene. In the s […]

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    Reading Cities

    Packard Limousine shows up in the Nella Larsen’s Passing. In the same passage that talks about rumors of Clare Kendry getting into a rich white man’s limo, the Packard Limousine shows up. Larsen specifically put […]

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    Reading Cities

    Packard Limousine shows up in the Nella Larsen’s Passing. In the same passage that talks about rumors of Clare Kendry getting into a rich white man’s limo, the Packard Limousine shows up. Larsen specifically put […]

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    Reading Cities

    Nella Larsen suggests through the phrase “illicit love affair” that Clare Kendry has romantic feelings towards Irene, which is important because the illicit love affair never happens and instead Clare must rep […]

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    Reading Cities

    Geranium Red is a very vibrant color. It comes up in Passing when Irene is looking at Clare’s lips. The color is important and how the color is represented is important. In 1920, to have high quality makeup such a […]

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    Reading Cities

    (Lincoln Park in 1905)

    According to the Chicago Park District, Lincoln Park was a small public cemetery where victims of cholera and small pox were housed. The city of Chicago became aware of these graves […]

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    Reading Cities

    Nella Larsen in Passing suggests through the language in the text that Irene Redfield represses her feelings for Clare Kendry, which is important because it exhibits how Irene’s sexuality is constrained by g […]

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