THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
THE NEW MEDIA LAB (NML) assists City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center faculty and doctoral students from a variety of academic disciplines to create multimedia projects based on their own scholarly […]
A group devoted to making education open, accessible, and public through the use of open-source tools and non-proprietary software platforms. Group avatar by akashgoyal
The Junior Faculty Roundtable (JFRR) is a forum for untenured CUNY library faculty to discuss their ideas and concerns as they work towards tenure and promotion. Topics covered include: the research and publication […]
The official group of the Net-Art Course here on the Commons. This course is open to all CUNY Faculty, Students, Alumni & Community Members. The Net-Art Course website - https://netart.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
A group where faculty and graduate students of Queens College Library and Information Science may post information relevant to the program, including job listings, articles of interest and personal reflections.
A collaborative resource started by the LaGuardia Center for Teaching and Learning and the Library. This should work as both a resource guide and copyright workshop planning tool. Our wiki page is here: […]