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    Talk Activism

    Max Kulchinsky started the topic Activism in Rap

    Since its breakthrough in the 1980s, hip hop music has served as a medium for conscious discussion of socioeconomic and political inequality. Rap can truly serve as a form of activism because it allows disenfranchised people to both express and educate themselves about deep rooted issues.It is an art form that speaks to people of both urban cities…[Read more]

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    Talk Activism

    Max Kulchinsky replied to the topic Why Activism? Why Now?

    I feel like saying “activism has played a role in my academic life” is a little unnatural. I have definitely rallied and protested for my moral and political beliefs, but I do not feel like my acts of activism have been really welcomed in the classroom. I don’t think activism and academia are a natural pairing because academia stresses…[Read more]

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