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    Yannicopoulou, Angela. “Focalization in Children’s Picture Books: Who Sees in Words and Pictures.” Telling Children’s Stories: Narrative Theory and Children’s Literature. Ed. Michael Cadden. Lincoln: Nebra […]

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    Sanders, Joe Sutliff. “Chaperoning Words: Meaning-Making in Comics and Picture Books.” Children’s Literature: 57-90. Web.

    Referrer: Chris Vitale

    Categories: picturebooks, comics, visual storytelling, […]

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    Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History. Paperback ed. London: Verso, 2007. Print.

    Referrer: Matt Gold

    Categories: digital humanities, distant reading, data visualization, […]

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    Mimno, David. “Computational historiography: Data mining in a century of classics journals” Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 5(1), 2012

    Referrer: Scott Dexter

    Categories: digital h […]

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    Jockers, Matthew and David Mimno, “Significant Themes in 19th-Century Literature” Poetics 41(6):750–769, 2013

    Referrer: Scott Dexter

    Categories: digital humanities, distant reading, data mining, computer sci […]

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    Spratt, Emily L. “The Digital Humanities Unveiled: Perceptions Held by Art Historians and Computer Scientists about Computer Vision Technology” (Self Published).

    Referrer: Scott Dexter

    Categories: digital hu […]

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    Saleh, Babak, Kanako Abe, Ravneet Singh Arora, and Ahmed Elgammal. “Toward Automated Discovery of Artistic Influence.” Multimed Tools Appl Multimedia Tools and Applications (2014). Web.

    Referrer: Scott D […]

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    Dresang, Eliza T., and Bowie Kotrla. ‘‘Radical Change Theory and Synergistic Reading for Digital Age Youth.’’ The Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2009): 92-107.

    Referrer: Chris Vitale

    Categories: radical […]

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    Wesseling, Elisabeth. “Visual Narrativity in the Picture Book: Heinrich Hoffman’s Der Struwwelpeter.” Children’s Literature in Education 35.4 (Dec. 2004): 319–45.

    Referrer: Carrie Hintz

    Categories: visual st […]

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    Stewart, Michelle Pagni. “Emerging Literacy of (An)Other Kind: Speakerly Children’s Picture Books.” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 28.1 (Spring 2003): 42–51.

    Referrer: Carrie Hintz […]

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    Serafini, Frank, Kachorsky, Dani, & Aguillera, Earl. “Picturebooks 2.0: Transmedial features across narrative platforms.” Journal of Children’s Literature. 41(2), 2015: 16-24.

    Referrer: Chris Vitale […]

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    Schons, Lisa M. ‘‘Is the Picture Book Dead? The Rise of the iPad as a Turning Point in Children’s Literature.’’ Journal of Digital Research & Publishing 2 (2011): 120-28.

    Referrer: Chris Vitale […]

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    Al- Yaqout, Ghada and Maria Nikolajeva. “Re-conceptualising picturebook theory in the digital age.” Nordic Journal for ChildLit Aesthetics 6, (2015).

    Referrer: Chris Vitale

    Categories: digital pic […]

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    Unsworth, Len and Cléirigh, Chris. “Multimodality and reading: The Construction of meaning through image-text interaction.” In C. Jewitt (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis (pp. 151-164). 2009 […]

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