We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
We discuss poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, and others; nonfiction by Emerson, Thoreau, and Lincoln; fiction by Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville; the writings of African Americans, Native Americans, and Puritans.
This is a private group used by the CUNY Academic Commons Community Team to plan and develop enhancements to the site. Photo Credit: Virgin Media apprentices at the Brathay Apprentice Challenge by Apprenticeships.
This group is meant to manage and coordinate the logistics of processing the CLAGS Archives. It is meant for volunteers, interns, administrators, staff, faculty, students, board members, and anyone else who […]
This is the private communication group for the teaching and training pilot cohort of the Text-based Pedagogy Training project at CILC.
During the past two decades, a revolution has occurred in scholarship: troves of archival materials that were once very hard to access and search have been digitized and put online. Rare books and manuscripts; […]
Group to support Prof. Allred's DH 780 in Fall 2023 term.
Marilyn test
The decades leading up to the Civil War, known as the American Renaissance, are generally regarded not only as the peak moment in American cultural expression but also as a watershed of themes reaching back to […]