I agree with what you stated. I also found it interesting that sense and reference correlate with one another. Not much people understand that in order for them to understand a word or phrase they have to know the […]
As I was reading this weeks reading the topic that I found interesting was the concept of sense and reference and the way it’s used in linguistics. They both mean two different things. Sense is an abstract of t […]
when I was growing up English was my second language. I was fluent in Arabic. In the Arabic alphabet the letter “p” is used as out letter “b”. Therefore when I was trying to speak English I would pronounce certain […]
The benefit of the descriptive approach in linguistics is that everyone speaks languages differently. People use language differently. Descriptive is a nonjudgmental approach that leads to how one speaks and […]
in this course, I hope to learn how to better communicate with people. I would love to learn how to be a. better writer and how to talk proper English to people as well.
Communication and language are two different things. Noticing from the early days of human civilization our ancestors were advanced. by communicating then through language. I believe that a turning point in which […]