I am a professor in the department of Statistics and Computer Information Systems, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College of the City University of New York. I am on the doctoral faculties of the programs in Computer Science and Business at the Graduate Center of CUNY. My research appears in scholarly journals and books; I write fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. I have noticed that as I advance in my career I take a more holistic view of our profession and find that my activities are less compartmentalized, tending to belong to and be part of a more unified whole. More often than not, for example, I find that my teaching and service activities inform my research, and that I bring my research interests into curriculum design and classroom discussions. Some of my passions include interdisciplinary work, instructional technology, hybrid and online teaching, new technologies, educational policy, doctoral education, academic freedom and governance, non-profit governance, social responsibility, humor, and Baruch students.
[New Media], [Web 2.0], [Simulation], [online education], [Information Systems], Organizational [Social Responsibility], [computer programming], [technology], [Jewish studies], [humor studies]
See my research on SSRN – http://ssrn.com/author=447157
and my Amazon author page – http://amazon.com/author/lindafriedman