This is the course group associated with DHUM 72500: Methods of Text Analysis.
This is the course group associated with DHUM 72500: Methods of Text Analysis.
This is the group site for the 2023 Digital Project Institute.
Participants and faculty of the January 2018 GC Digital Research Institute use this group to share information and resources, updates about projects, and more.
An informal group for anyone interested in organizing and taking action following the 2016 Presidential Election. Avatar image: "H8 is not GR8" by @Chris Piascik on Flickr […]
This group includes participants in the Spring 2020 Data for Public Good project.
This is a CUNY Academic Commons private group designed to accompany Fall 2021 MA in DH 72700 and ENGL 86800 taught by Duncan Faherty and Lisa Rhody.
This is the course group associated with DHUM 72500: Methods of Text Analysis.
A group for students and faculty involved in the digital humanities track in the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies http://liberalstudies.gc.cuny.edu/digital-humanities-mals-track-description
This is a collaborative space for conversation, information sharing, and support among participants of the NEH-supported Expanding Communities of Practice: Digital Humanities Research Institute. Please use the […]
This group is for faculty and staff who are interested in, or working with, maker activities and maker spaces at CUNY.
Private group for planning the GCDI Digital Research Bootcamp.
Group for attendees of the GCDI Digital Research Institute held June 6-10, 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center. Please use this group to ask questions, get help, and keep in contact before, during, and after the DRI.
A group for the GC Digital Research Institute, convening January 2017. Welcome!
This is a private group created for use by students in the DHUM 72500 Methods of Text Analysis class.
This is a CUNY Academic Commons group designed to support the Digital Praxis Seminar students for the 2016-2017 academic year.
Public group for Digital Research Bootcamp participants.
A private group for students in the 2015-2016 Digital Praxis Seminar
A private group for students in the 2017-2018 Digital Praxis 1 Seminar.
This group is for people at the CUNY Graduate Center who are interested in knitting, crochet, or other needle/fiber arts. We meet informally once per month (TBD). The group is open to anyone who would like to […]
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